Below you'll see what your potential customers see when they Google your brand name:
(if it's not filled in already, type your band name in the box below)

I have been searching for reviews of for 2 days when I found out: A scam! At least that's what other people are saying
Yelp Trusted Reviews -
Can't believe is still in business . I was scammed 4 years ago. I don't understand how it isn't shut down. I am absolutely baffled. They steal money.
Ripoff Report | Complaint Review
SCAM AND FRAUD SCAM COMPANY AND FRAUD. Click here to see other negative reviews.
Time to try their competitors!
I have first hand experience with - they're ok. But really, you should just try their competitors next door. So much better... You'll see the difference straight away.
- my opinion
It was total accident to choose and we had no choice. All I can say is "PLEASE DO NOT DO IT, IF YOU CAN!"


Are you satisfied with how people perceive you?


If you have any type of online presence, you're at the mercy of anyone with an Internet connection...

... and some people are out there only to grind your reputation to dirt. It's only a matter of time before it happens.

When it does, your business might not survive this kind of a blow.

Can you protect yourself? Read on to find out how…



Your Reputation Can Be Savaged Online In a Matter of Seconds...
... by someone you don't even know.


The internet allows anyone to voice their opinion - true or not. Within a blink of an eye, trash-talking comments about your business can flood the first page of Google. And by then it's too late - because you already have a problem...

Even if you haven't seen it yet, your customers have, and they are already going in the other direction.

It's scary because today the first impression of you or your business is made online.


Negative reviews get as much as 300% more attention than the positive ones.


One negative review from a frustrated asshole of a customer can 'out-shine' a life time of first class business practices.

Reviews are everywhere.

Think about it, if you're shopping on Amazon, do you check product reviews? Would you even consider a product that has a page littered with negative comments?

Your customers think the same way!

And you can bet that almost every profession or business out there, has their own review page.

Lawyers, doctors, restaurants, artists. Everyone.


What will your reviews say?


If you have any type of business education (formal or not), you've probably thought about this before.

You probably realize you’re a statistic waiting to happen.

You've probably realized what a nightmare it would be if someone purposely destroyed your brand name online.

And it probably scares you out of your mind.

If so, you’re NOT alone. And you’re not over-reacting.

This is a very real and serious problem.

Especially in industries where buyers do careful research before moving ahead, such as: the music, film, restaurant, law, or hotel industry.


"Studies show that 88% of  consumers are influenced by reviews they read online."


The issue here is not just losing current customers who read a couple of negative reviews about you.

It’s wide-spread, critical damage to your business across the board.

Your business gets instantly skipped from even being considered!

People you’ve never heard from before (and will never hear from again), in the blink of an eye, make a decision not deal with you based on those horrible 'opinions' staring them in the face.

All the potential revenue gone before you even realized you have a problem!


Worse yet, even people who actively monitor their online reputation aren't safe.


And those who do it all by themselves may actually be doing more harm than good...
… simply because of how emotionally attached they are to their online persona (whether they admit or not).

You don’t want to find yourself in a situation where your ego takes over...

You blow a situation, that could've been easily avoided, out of proportion… and end up looking like a complete joke or fraud  to people whose opinion matters to you.


I've seen first-hand how it destroyed peoples lives


I’m speaking from personal experience. I used to work as an artist manager in one of the big music labels.

The amount of online abuse I've seen was just too much for one person to handle.

And while we had a full team of professionals dealing with reputation management, we only had them working with artists already signed up with us.


I’ve had people come to my office, break down, cry, and beg.


What really hurt was refusing artists that truly deserved it.

I've done it a couple of times a week, simply because their reputation was beyond repair.

For example, no one wants to do business with someone labelled as a racist by the general public.

It often through stories or reviews fabricated by someone else. The problem is, they become real in the eyes of your audience.

All these artists suffered from the same problem.

Negative chatter got blown out of proportion and in turn shattered their dreams of becoming an A-grade celebrity (or even supporting themselves in the music industry) before their eyes.

No one in the industry would even talk to them, let alone take them seriously.

All because string of bad reviews made a huge impact and scared everyone away.


Don't be one of those people


These people never got the chance because they had a reputation problem they didn't fully understand.

And before they knew it, the hammer dropped, and it was already too late.

It’s overwhelming when it happens.

You really feel like you've hit rock bottom and there is nothing you can do about it.

And it’s frightening when it is actually too late to help it.


You've made some wrong moves, you've let the problem unfold, and now it has a life of its own.


Just recently we got a call from a frantic restaurateur who had already suffered through WEEKS of empty dining tables at a popular breakfast bistro on Broadway in New York.

An unethical competitor savaged their Yelp reviews with a flood of bogus remarks.

Fixing the problem was a lot harder than they expected... and even worse, they were forced to send their staff home early for days on end while they struggled to clean up the mess.

Who would YOU call if that happened to YOUR business?


You Can't Ignore This


Burying your head in the sand is not an option.

Because if you just leave it be, it only goes down hill...  And not in a good way.

Not properly managing your online reputation can destroy you and your business.

There is always one idiot who’s willing to take it all out on you. For no reason other than his or her miserable life.

And the damage these people can do might be irreparable if not handled properly...

What's worse,  the road to recovery is never easy.

If you don’t deal with naysayers straight away, more people join and advocate for them.


You don’t want this to happen to you.


The reviews of your business we displayed before are only for demonstration purposes.

They are there to show you what it would feel like to be attacked online and prepare you for that emotionally.

Because let’s face it, if you plan to achieve any type of success people will try to crush you sooner thank you think.


Can You Still Protect Yourself
Is Your Business Already Going Down the Tubes?


The best time to take care of your reputation is before any negative attacks happen.

You need to have a foundation which will shield you from most reputation problems.

If there is an issue already, the road is longer, but almost every problem can be handled.

The key is how long it's going to take and how quickly you need the results.

Here's what you have to do to make sure your reputation is in check:


So What Would I Need To Be Fully Protected?


Don’t make the same deadly mistakes most newbies make.

There seem to be a group of 'experts' claiming that simply posting a couple of optimized articles about yourself will do the job. Nothing is further from the truth.

You’re playing on a field that changes daily, a field where there are no rules, and where 73% of people see someone else get seriously injured.

And no, most people are not there to help you either. They will post defamatory articles that will get more visibility than the ones you posted yourself.

What are you going to do then?

There is always a way to show your best possible image to the world. It’s just a matter of establishing and maintaining it.

... but be warned, you won't be able to do it all in one afternoon.


A full solution to your reputation problems includes:


  • Fixing negative search results and making sure they are not seen again.
  • Creating your online presence.

Taking ownership of your brand name across  all online channels YOUR CUSTOMERS use, interconnecting all your online properties, making sure all the information is consistent.

  • Positive review sourcing.

Getting positive reviews that your business deserves. Be it from already existing customers or the ones that have not yet ordered (yes, it can be done).

  • Daily Monitoring of Online Chatter.

You need to know what’s happening - the online landscape changes every minute.  One unanswered comment can create an avalanche of abuse that directly impacts your bottom line.

  • Keeping information and reviews up to date.

Depending on your situation, it might not be enough to upload a couple of articles and forget about them. As your business changes, your information needs to be updated and your reviews kept relevant.

  • Competitive Analysis.

Measuring your progress and being on the lookout. Seeing what your competition is doing. Setting goals accordingly. Evaluating the outcome.

  • Full Social Media Management

Claiming and optimizing your social media profiles,  interacting and actively engaging with your fanbase, carefully crafting a publication plan, tracking trends.

  • Benchmarking & Scoring

Reputation is relative: a four-star rating only looks good if everyone else has three stars. To stay ahead of the competition, you need to know where you excel and where you fall behind.



Once you have all of the above in place,

You no longer have to lie awake at nights,
worrying about what people say about you online.



That's because everything is being handled.

Your reputation is being actively monitored, supported, and enriched and you’re fully protected from having your name tarnished.

Yes, you could try doing it all on your own.


Where would you start?


Do you know which tools you need to use? Or what the industry best practices are?

Are you willing to put in the time to learn how to do it (and probably fail a couple of times while learning)?

And then, do you have the time it requires every day?


Or would you rather have it handled
by people who have been doing it day in and day out for the last 3 years?


Our services have helped over 96 people and businesses take ownership of their online image, as we all as avoid and fix reputation crises.

Just look at what they’re saying about our services:

Maurica G.
Restaurant Owner

"I was completely shocked when one of our good customers pointed out some of our online reviews.

People calling us a scam, fraud, saying we steal money etc. I worked very hard my whole life to get this business to where it is today, and I have never done any such things.

I couldn’t understand who would do something like this. After logging all the comments, checking all the names, looking into the words used, etc, we concluded they all seemed like the same person wrote them. We’re 90% sure it was our competitor.

I am not a very technical person and no one at our company had the skills to deal with this problem.

A friend of mine mentioned RepCurator to me.

I have been working with them for 4 month now. In terms of revenue we're finally back to where we were before the negative reviews were posted. I would recommend them without hesitation. Everyone searching for our restaurant name now only gets true, positive reviews and relevant information."

Andy Powells
Artist Management

"Having many years of  marketing experience with artists ourselves, we know first-hand the vast effort and technical knowledge it takes to have both a successful online strategy and an effective implementation of it.

As our business continues to grow year-after-year, all our marketing efforts became very time-consuming. We wanted to take more and more on our back, including reputation and brand management.

It led to an overall  reduced ability to focus on our core business.

We're now happy to have our reputation management and most of the branding handled by the team at"

Lucy Miles
Hotel Manager

"We've been referred to after dealing with one crazy person of a customer.

That person after receiving the service he ordered in full went on a berserker's rage online, singed up to all review sites out there and posted negative reviews. At least 8 flooding the first page of Google.

All of them saying we don't deliver the service as advertised and we take the money for doing nothing.

We've tried contacting that customer to ask what was wrong or if there is any way we can resolve this. Never received a response and never had a chance to find out what was wrong...

Our company had to deal with it and deal with it fast. I asked around and my lawyer-colleague referred me here.

After a serious amount of work put in by their team my reviews are finally in check and I'm not ashamed of Googling my business name any more."

Listen, if restaurant owners like Maurica can go, with our help, from looking like a complete fraud to having her restaurant full on Wednesday and packed on Friday, then just imagine how having a bullet proof reputation can help you.

Imagine what it would feel like to have your online image in check and fully taken care of.

And just think of how good you’ll feel when everything people read about you is positive, consistent, and uplifting



 What do I do next?


Let me ask you something…

Is your online reputation worth at least as much as you spend on gas every month?

How quickly can you make that investment back from increased business due to all the positive reviews and chatter about your brand?

Just the tools needed to carry out all the activities mentioned before could cost you close to $2000 per month.

Not to mention you would need to learn how to use them and actually carry out the work every day.

Do you have that time?

Or would you rather spend it on running your business?


Don't wait till it's too late!

There really is a point of no return.


I know you thought about doing it all yourself before. But you have countess other business activities to take care of. There never is enough time.

It's not your fault. Chances are, you've even taken the first steps. Singed up for some online tools, created your online properties etc.

But as you grow the amount of work grows with you. And your reputation is not something you can afford to forget about. 

You need to monitor and maintain your online image all the time, making sure it’s not being ruthlessly demolished but rather actively developed and enriched.

Being able to do that requires hundreds of hours of work, gaining experience, and testing.

But you can rest assured that we've already done all that before for 96 clients and growing. And what we do really works and has been proven successful across hundreds of campaigns.




Turn this:

I have been searching for reviews of for 2 days when I found out: A scam! At least that's what other people are saying
Yelp Trusted Reviews -
Can't believe is still in business . I was scammed 4 years ago. I don't understand how it isn't shut down. I am absolutely baffled. They steal money.
Ripoff Report | Complaint Review
SCAM AND FRAUD SCAM COMPANY AND FRAUD. Click here to see other negative reviews.
Time to try their competitors!
I have first hand experience with - they're ok. But really, you should just try their competitors next door. So much better... You'll see the difference straight away.
- my opinion
It was total accident to choose and we had no choice. All I can say is "PLEASE DO NOT DO IT, IF YOU CAN!"


Into this:

| Facebook
Posts To Page... Fanpage Likes 48K ...Let me just say I am a fan of . I believe they're the best in what they do.
(@) | Twitter
18K tweets • 208 photos/videos • 125K followers... Check out the latest Tweets from (@) See Inside.
Local Reviews |
Wow! What a great experience. I would recommend to everyone. Everything was done exactly as it should be.
| Ian Gibbs | Huffington Post
Aug 20, 2015 - Meet the the most endorsed people in their field - ... see proof of expeirence... I've met with during a conference in San Diego last month...
- my opinion
Although a bit lucky, going with was the best choice I've made in a long long time. Highly recommended!



Now there’s just one thing left for you to do…


Become Protected Before People Ruin Your Reputation
And Any Chances of Long-Term Success


I think by now you understand how your online image and reputation impact your business. 

Hopefully, you see that reputation is not something you can forget about.

Now is the time to protect yourself from people trying to harm your online reputation.

And there’s no better way to do it than becoming a part of our service.

Don’t become another victim – trust me, people will come after you. Sometimes without any reason.  

If you're not prepared, the money that was supposed to be yours might go to your competitor today.

Simply based on your presence.

Become protected, choose a package below: