How A Few Twisted Words Can Cause A Scandal


An up and coming rock band got themselves in a situation where people didn't want to host them. All because of reputation problems.


Background Story

Between songs during a show, the lead singer made a remark which later changed how people perceived the whole band.

It’s funny because during their performance no one cared too much - no one expressed any  anger or dissatisfaction.

It was only when they’d finished playing and checked their Twitter account, that they noticed what was starting to unfold.

The Problem

Someone took their words out of context and twisted them to make the lead singer look racist.  These kinds of topics get quickly picked up and so a social media storm started.

The band tried to officially respond making fun of the original poster. It made it even worse.

They received phone calls and emails from people cancelling their next shows. They didn’t know what they got themselves into. Luckily for them, a friend from the music industry referred them to us.

What We Did to Solve it

At this point our engagement had two main directions. First, we had to divert attention somewhere else – a different ‘scandal’ , something the audience can focus on and distract themselves with. That wasn't difficult. There are plenty of news-worthy stories every day, it's just a matter of placing them in front of the right eyes. Our relationships with editors and bloggers help a lot here. 

Once that was done, we started re-creating their positive brand image. A combination of press releases, guest appearances, blogger relationships, and videos were used to fix everything and reinforce what the band stands for.

If the situation was handled carefully from the very beginning it could probably be used to the bands advantage. It wasn’t, resulting in a series of negative events and cancelled contracts.

It’s important to have someone watching over you and advising what actually needs to be done.

A Big Scandal Averted

Ability to Continue The Tour

14% More Bookings (3 Month After The Incident)

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This is the best referral we've ever received. These guys help us get out from some serious, serious problems...


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