Undeserved Negative Reviews


Our client, a law firm, became victim of a negative review attack from their prospective client (let’s call him John).


Background Story

John approached our client looking for legal advice on a law suit regarding a merger and acquisition contract gone wrong. He claimed the other party did not fulfill the requirements and he did not want pay them.

The law firm quickly went through the documents and concluded the contract was almost unconditional. John, based on the facts presented, was legally obliged to pay the contracted amount.

John lost his temper, called the law firm ‘a bunch of crooks’ , refused to pay the consultation fee, and worst of it went on an online crusade to make sure his opinion was heard.

The Problem

He posted many negative reviews on RipoffReport and similar sites. Sites like that hide behind the 5th amendment so anyone can post anything without their identity being verified. Even cease and desist letter from our friends – the lawyers – did not make a dent.

The reviews started showing up on the first page of Google. They had direct impact on the business. Their reputation was affected both online and offline, and as a result revenue decreased.

What We Did to Solve it

Our approach was two-fold

  • Find and remove as many negative reviews as possible.
  • Make sure the first two pages of Google show only positive comments (no one ever checks beyond the first two pages).

Within 3 months we were able to make Google display only positive reviews on their first 2 pages. Some sites like RipoffReport never remove their posts, but we have successfully pushed their reviews to the bottom of Google where no one will ever see them.

It’s scary how much damage one person can do to your reputation and bottom line. We see it almost every day. Thankfully we got our client to avoid a crisis and are now protecting them every day from an incident like this happening ever again.

Significant Improvement in Online Image

7% Increase in New Customers

27% More Clicks From Search Engines

From the client:

"These guys  built such a strong relationship with our practise that we consider them an extension of our I.T. department. We they are just a phone call or an e-mail away and that we are fully protected."

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